A Prophetic Word To The Body of Christ

Date: 09/30/08

I close the doors that I have not opened saith the Spirit of God.
I sharpen the weapons.
Weapons of war
Weapons of increase
I sharpen the word of faith in My people’s mouth.
There is a shift in the spirit realm.
There is a shift into the ways that are mine.
A shift in their way of thinking.
The days of going after their own ways are over.
Tie your clothes well—-tie your clothes well
Tie the cloaks around you properly.
For I am about to take the Body of Christ on the rides of their lives.
A roller coaster.
The body of Christ is on a roller coaster.
A roller coaster goes up and down, it goes up and down, it goes up and down.
But this roller coaster is different.
Some will go down and keep going down.
Some will go up and keep going up.
Decide this day.
For My Church is on a roller Coaster.
Some are on the downhill and will continue to go downhill unless they look up from whence cometh their help.
If they look up to the hills, then they will come up.  But if they refuse to look up to whence cometh their help, it is downhill.
I am about to take many out of businesses—– out of businesses—– out of business
It is downhill—downhill—downhill.
But there are some who are caught up in issues, and if they look up to Me then I will carry them on the wings of an eagle.
There is a roller coaster, but this roller coaster is different.
It goes up and up or it goes down and down.
I am about to take the Body of Christ on an up ride.
Up ride with speed.
I say again, them that are downhill and will not look up from whence cometh their help, then downhill they will come.
Too many people have played with Me.
I have said it before; they have one foot in, one foot out
One foot in, one foot out –one foot in and one foot out—-one foot in and one foot out.
The roller coaster will divide!
So decide this day – are you going up or down?
These are the days of the latter rain.
I beckon and I say, come in and sup with Me.
For I distinguish My power amongst My people—-I distinguish My power amongst My people.
For the train is about to leave the station.
Board it while you can.
For the train is waiting.
For the train is at a standstill.
For the train is about to leave the station.
And those that are ready have already boarded.
But those that are on the station ground, board because when it moves, there is no coming back.
The train of My will.
The train of My purpose.
The train of My destiny.
Make haste when there is light.
Make haste when there is day.
For night shall come and it is coming when there will be no time, no light to see to board the train.
I speak of the end time for it is coming.
Make haste that you will be on the train.
The train of Life.
Saith the Spirit of God.

2 Part

I sharpen your weapons.
For the Church have been fighting with carnal weapons.
That is why they are not winning.
The weapons of your warfare are not carnal, but mighty through Me to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against who I am.
But My people have fought spiritual wars with carnal weapons and have gone to war with weapons that are blunt.
Weapons that have not been sharpened
Weapons that are not even Mine.
Then they wonder why there are causalities in the war.
They wonder why they are retreating.
They wonder why so many are perishing
It is because they have fought with weapons that are carnal.
Weapons that are man-made.
Some weapons are weapons that the world fights with but your weapons are not carnal.
They are mighty through Me.
Pick up the weapons.
The weapons I have given you.
The weapons in Ephesians six.
You wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and there are many principalities and powers unleashed.
You see it in the physical and in the economy but you fight it with My weapons.
They are strong.
They are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.
Clad yourselves for battle.
My weapons are made available to you.

  • My Word
  • Faith
  • Salvation
  • Holiness

These are My weapons and if they are used rightly saith the Spirit of the Lord, it will always prevail because it will give insight, direction, instruction and knowledge.
If there is obedience on your side My people, then you will win.

For I say again, the weapons of your warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through Me saith the Spirit of the Lord.