About Us
God’s Battle Axe is a prophetic, teaching and intercessory ministry whose vision is to call intercessors in the body of Christ into their giftings and to emphasize the importance of prayer in the church. This ministry’s God-ordained mandate for this season is to:
- Reach the body of Christ with the message of repentance and true living in holiness and righteousness (Luke 3:7-9, Hebrews12);
- Impress upon the body of Christ the importance of intercession and that we are God’s battle axe and his weapons of war
( Jeremiah 51:20);
- Show God’s people that they have the power to become who God has called them to be and in Him we are unstoppable (John 1:12);
- Train those in the Prophetic Calling to Understand the administrative office of a prophet in the body of Christ;
Dr. Choice Nwachuku is a Biologist and a Microbiologist. Choice holds both a Masters of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from Howard University in Washington, D.C. Dr. Nwachuku is an author, conference speaker, a mentor to many and a minister to ministers. She is the Editor in Chief of Inspiration Magazine (an online magazine) and the Vice President of Chuks Insurance Inc.
At an early age, Choice knew that she had a heart for the things of God, especially in intercession, and later God confirmed her calling as a prophet. Her utmost desire is to see God’s people pray and fulfill God’s calling upon their lives.
Prophetess Choice is an anointed minster of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, ordained and licensed. She is a teacher of the word and an intercessor in the body of Christ. She is the steward of God’s Battle Axe Ministries, a ministry founded by God.