About God’s Battle Axe Ministries
God’s Battle Axe is a prophetic, teaching and intercessory ministry whose vision is to call intercessors in the body of Christ into their giftings and to emphasize the importance of prayer in the church.This ministry’s God-ordained mandate for this season is to:
- Reach the body of Christ with the message of repentance and true living in holiness and righeousness (Luke 3:7-9, Hebrews 12);
- Impress upon the body of Christ the importance of intercession and that we are God’s battle axe and his weapons of war (Jeremiah 51:20);
- Show God’s people that they have the power to become who God has called them to be and in Him we are unstoppable (John 1:12);
- Train those in the Prophetic Calling to Understand the administrative office of a prophet in the body of Christ.
Partnership Information
When God gives a mandate to a person, He raises up partners to help with the work. We see an example of Peter lending his boat to Jesus. The results was a net-breaking catch. Please note that God honors partnership and He always rewards faithfulness in His house.
When you partner with a ministry, you become a partaker of the anointing on the Church or Ministry.
Prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit, if you are called to be a part of this work
Our partners
- Pray for this ministry consistently.
- Support us financially (as often as they can)
- Attend programs as much as possible if you are in the area or we are ministering near you.
- We encourage you to use your gifts and talents in the service of God.
- We on our part are committed to praying for you consistently.
- All our partners are entitled to a 10% discount on all products.
To become a partner email us at partner@godsbattleaxe.com