A Prophetic Word To The Body of Christ
Given through Prophetess Choice Nwachuku Ph.D
Are you prepared to see Him?
Are you prepared for the 2nd coming?
Yeah saith the Lord, they are many who think that they are ready, and they are prepared but they are not because they have played with their salvation and they have played with what I have done on the cross of Calvary.
Nay saith the Spirit of the Lord, examine your heart and see ye whether ye still be in the faith.
Examine the heart and see if you be in faith.
For many people have departed from the faith saith the Lord, and yet they think that they still are for they have gone forth to do what they want, not what my Word says.
What makes one mine? It is that that stays in my Word, it is that that has made Me the Lord of their lives, it is that that says,“it is not my will but Your will be done God”, it is that has removed their agenda and has made it Mine. It is that one says the Spirit of God that says, “What is it Father that You want me to do? That is the one that has taken My Word and has truly become My own.
For many, many are called I say, and few are chosen. Many are called, but yes few are chosen. Why is that? saith God
Is it because I discriminate?
Is it because I don’t love all?
Nay saith the Spirit of God. It is not because I discriminate?
Because I am not a respecter of persons; because I love all the same, but because the people’s mind have turned away from Me saith God. And so many have dressed themselves in My Word as it were and they deceive the people to say, “I am of the Lord, I belong to Him.”
Nay says God, they are not, they are not Mine, neither do they belong to Me, neither do I know them.
And so I summon again a warning unto My people, the body and I say, examine yourself, examine yourself, examine yourself, whether you be in the faith according to My Word.
Examine! And they ask, “How do I examine myself?”
Yea saith the Spirit of the Lord, for my Word is a mirror that you look at saith God, to examine yourself, whether you be in the faith. For when you take My Word, and you look at it, and you look at yourself in it, and if there is a place says the Spirit of God, and there is a place that does not line up with what you see in My Word, in Me, for I Am my Word, then you know that there is an adjustment that needs to be made.
And yea saith God, for I am here by my Spirit to help in the adjustment that is to be made.
For as many that will come to Me and as many as will say, “Father, I need You here, I need You in this thing, I need You in this place”, I will work with. But I do not force My will on anyone. For I have given you a choice saith the Lord.
I speak to My people, the Church, I have given you a choice, the way you come to Me you will remain in Me. That you may remain in Me, for you have all that it takes to remain in Me. For I have empowered you. In you is My Spirit. The Spirit of Grace that is able even to bring to pass anything that My will is. But many do not ask My will and many do not seek My face, but they assume and they go forth, and they do that which they think they know.
Yea saith the Spirit of the Lord, if I am your Lord you God, submit to My will.
If I am the Lord your God, ask what My will is.
If I am the Lord your God, do it my way.
If I am the Lord your God, then bow to Me in everything saith the Spirit of the Lord.
For yea, you have given Me one side and yet there are many other sections that they have said, “Don’t touch this, don’t touch this, don’t touch this”. Nay saith the Spirit of Grace, nay saith the Spirit of Grace, nay saith the Spirit of Grace, turn it all over to Me, for I am the Lord your God and I want it all. I want it all! I want it all! I want you – ALL!
All of you I demand saith the Spirit of the Lord. For when you give yourself totally to Me in all that you do saith the Lord God, then, you see, you see My grace and My favor, and even when things delay, look hard, you know that I am in it with you. And then it is easy, and it is easy to take saith the Lord.
I sound a warning again for I return, and I return soon and I ask the body, My people, “Are you ready to receive me? saith the Lord.
Are you ready to receive Me?
Are you ready to receive Me?
Are you ready to receive Me?
Saith the Spirit of the Lord.