A Prophetic Word To The Body of Christ
Given through Prophetess Choice Nwachuku Ph.D
“The stench of Cameroon is come up to Me, smelling in My nose and I am tired of it saith the Lord God. The atrocity of this nation saith the Lord God is come to My nose especially even in the Churches saith the Lord and I am tired of it, I am tired of it saith God, I am tired of it. For the churches saith the Lord God., too many of them, even in their altars are hidden, even in altars are hidden are hidden; idols that they worship. Too many saith the Lord in the Church, pretend to be in the Church. Too many occultisms being propitiated from the pulpit saith the Lord God. Too many, too many too many, too many saith the Lord, the atrocity is too much in the nation of Cameroon It is come into My nose as a smell saith the Lord God. Children, being used for sacrifices, Children being used for ritualistic sacrifices saith the Lord God. Too much saith the Lord. Babies being snatched and used for ritualistic sacrifices even in their mothers’ wombs by witchcraft saith the Lord. Too much! The blood of the children crying is come to Me saith the Lord. The blood of the innocent has come to Me saith the Lord. Too many deaths, too many atrocities, too many children being killed, too many babies being snatched out of the wombs of the mothers by witchcraft saith the Lord. It is too much and I am warning them, and I am speaking to them to heed and change saith the Lord. And if they don’t, I will wipe out the land. I will wipe out atrocities. Mine I will save, but I will wipe out the land saith the Spirit of God. And that is why My daughter you saw in the vision, in the vision I showed you this morning, that you saw planes flying, flying, but what was amazing about these planes? They were throwing white balls from the sky, instead of bombs, they were white balls but as they landed, it explodes, as they land it explodes. The Lord said, yes, you know it – I, that I am saying I will destroy the land. And the commotion and the atrocity are too much, Yes, I warn them, I have My people warning them. Yea, that they will heed and the people will change. To what can I liken this nation saith the Lord. To what shall I liken this nation? To what saith the Lord? For I liken it, I liken it to the times of old when the people will turn away to idols, and to all manner of stuff, and to all manner of stuff and place other gods in My altar, and worship baal and asheroth. Yea, yea saith the Lord, I liken them to Sodom and Gomorrah. I liken them for their atrocities they do, yea – to like Sodom and Gomorrah, and their deeds came to Me, and it was enough, and I had enough of it, and I had to destroy the land. Yea saith the Lord, Yea saith the Lord, the nation of Cameroon- I wait for them to change. I wait for them that I might not wipe out the land. For their atrocities have come up to Me and it is too much saith the Lord. It is enough; it is enough – in the Church, in the people, in the witchcraft, in the coven. Especially in the killings of the babies, even in their mothers wombs snatched by witchcraft, snatched by different things. Yea saith the Lord, enough is enough! Pray for this land, pray for this nation, pray that they will change that I will not wipe them out saith the Spirit of God. Pray for Pray for Cameroon for I liken them to Sodom and Gomorrah. Pray for Cameroon that I will not wipe them out if they do not repent. Pray for Cameroon that there will be revelation knowledge, that there will be bold teachers; bold teachers that will speak My Word, and address the situation and address the things that are going on that the people might repent saith the Lord God. My people that are there I will save, but the evil, I will destroy saith the Spirit of the Lord.”