A Prophetic Word To The Body of Christ

Date: 02/19/08

I hear the sound of the abundance of rain. God restores that which the devil has stolen from His people – the spiritual things. There is a restoration of all things. God’s people are entering into a “ZONING” by the Spirit. People are not going to be zoned just because of the things they’ve done. God Himself is doing the zoning. Zones of that which He is about to do and it is God who is doing the zoning. God is zoning them for that which He is about to release in the spirit realm.


A hunger for spiritual things.
A hunger to be pure.
A hunger to be blameless.
A hunger to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
A hunger to stay in My presence.
For too long the body has preached messages from the flesh. Messages that only catered to the flesh instead of divine messages.
There are going to be messages of revelation, messages that would bring revival and change. Messages that would not cause My people to be entangled again in a yoke of slavery. Those are the messages I am bringing.

A HUNGER FOR ME, a hunger for Me
A hunger for My ways and My way of doing things. Not the glamour and cosmetics of the Church. Not the privatization of God’s work.
It will be things that benefit My people.
I’m releasing a hunger because you see, when I return; I am coming for a bride without spot or wrinkle.
I am purifying.
I am separating.
It’s a clarion call.
He that hears in the spirit is zoned -is zoned.
Yes the time is near. It is closer than you think.
I’m calling My people, My great army to arise and shine.
Those that sat in sackcloths…break fetters, chains and the hooks around your waist and arise unto Me saith the Lord.

FOR ENOUGH IS ENOUGH , enough is enough, enough is a enough.
The time to change has come. For the Bridegroom beckons for His bride.
I am coming back again for My bride – the Church. Who will go with Me?
That which was promised to the children of God -the mansions and all, are all ready.
Who is that bride that will wait? That virgin that has oil and has not sold it out for worldly things? That has not sold it for a penny or two pennies?