A Prophetic Word To The Body of Christ

Date: 11/21/09
For this nation that I placed my name on
In as much as they are self destructing
I refuse to let them self-destruct
America was founded on My Word.Yet they delight in doing things
They delight in doing that which is in their heart
Even then, it’s a nation that I have placed My Name
Even then, it’s a nation that I have placed My finger, for such a time as this.
I refuse to allow them to self-destruct!
They have lost their Laws, regulations, principles

The enemy has tried to destroy it.
he has allowed them to give themselves to all kinds of things.
because the enemy wanted an avenue to destroy the land.
But I exalted it.
I Kept it.
I ordained it….
It will be finished.

So the people have gone out to do whatever they want
But this nation is dear to My heart.
I have determined to show My power
I have determined to show My splendor to other nations
What I have said… I will do

They left My will, My Will, will be done.  Because my will and purpose has already being set in place—– Before even America was created…
This nation I will use to bring out my purpose.  I am not a God that changes His mind.
I am not a shifting shadow.  My will is to bring this nation to turn around.  It is a great lion.  I will turn it around to do that I have purposed.
No President, no leader, no witch, no obstruction, nothing can change it.  For I am the Lord God over this nation— people.

I have called them for a work. No one can change it.
This nation does not belong to itself.  No matter the speaking of free will—- a free will nation——free for what?  Free to do My will—— No— not its will.  Therefore, I turn it around to do that which I have called it to—- no other power can stand.
I have decreed it—– I have purposed My power to stand ——-I have called it so.  Saith the Spirit of God.
Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, that which I have prepared for this country.
They think they have power now.  Nay—– Powers!!!. Nothing compares to the powers I give them in the later days.


Prophetess saw a huge eagle flying.

It is not by chance that the eagle is the emblem of this nation—-
The founding fathers chose—-
An eagle has power.
It sees—–
It has claws— are sharp
It is able to do that which others— can’t.
It is a significant symbol of strength.  It is the symbol of power.  It is the symbol I gave them that I may fulfill that I have called them to do.
That I will fulfill——
When they see the eagle, they have to remember the power.
Not in themselves – but in Me alone.
When they— these people begin to see again, the power I gave them….
The glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former.
I have separated this nation to help other nations.
I have begun to turn things around.
They will come back to me, their true God.  Though they have gone astray,
Come back to Me, for I am the true God – remain in Me.

For I raise this nation in power.
I raise this nation in might.
I dressed it in splendor
Who can make a nation this strong?  That will make every nation to be aware of it.
Who is man that can make a nation to be strong—
But My people have gone away from me and I cannot take the power back—- I gave them
I am the One who has kept it. For my gifts and callings are without repentance.
This nation has gone astray and a whoring.  When they have gone astray, I can let them be destroyed—- to be consumed.
But because of My word that has gone out……..cannot  fall to the ground—I have confirmed my word to the founding fathers.  I have given them My will and purpose—-and I have spoken.

The CONSTITUION is what it is——- not because they knew a lot of words—–
Not because of their education—– It was by revelation.   I gave it to them word for word. I told them what to write. Now people try to amend it.

Should I turn My face away from this calamity—from this sin?
It is enough for me to turn my anger towards this people and destroy,  but I could not change that which I have done from the beginning.  Because of My word…
I am a God of integrity
The God that says and it is so. So I let them be—–
Come back to your first Love, but they did not listen.
They said what is that madman speaking.  They put their hands in their ears and shut their eyes.  They put their hands to their ears and said I don’t know You.  I am a lover of bad things.  I am not your love

Should I not leave them to be destroyed?
Yet I send them My word—My prophets—My teachers.
I stood back
And said what will I do?
I don’t want to kill them, I don’t want to consume them .
Yet in My Mercy, I stretch out My hand and I say, return to your first Love, your God, your Father— in unity— in love.
My heart calls back to you, return.
There is a work to do.

Return my people unto your first Love saith the Spirit of God.